Serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Poly and otherwise unconventional people who are struggling.

Too many people struggle to be themselves while also getting the support they need. Depression, anxeity and unsatisfying relationships can be the result.


Are you finding it hard to find the place where you fit in the world?  Or finding that the world doesn't seem to understand you? Perhaps you are getting the message you can be your authentic self or you can have compassion and understanding, but you can’t have both. You might feel isolated or that others can't truly understand what you're going through.

Therapy can help.


Contact me to set up an initial phone consultation. I meet with people for in-person sessions and via video online. You can schedule online, call me at 415-881-8260 or email me.

Contact me now to set up an initial phone consultation. You can schedule online, call me at 415-881-8260 or email me.